
The originator of slacklining in Slovenia. Founder and head of Balansa Slackline Association. Instructor. Designer of educational programs at ISA (International Slackline Association). BEng.

Video presentation of exercises on the Woodie

In this video you’ll see what kind of exercises you can do on the Woodie and why they are so beneficial and fun at the same time. A fast-moving base is essential, requiring us to stabilise our joints well and maintain our balance at all times. Stabilisation increases muscular strength and responsiveness, while balance increases

Video presentation of exercises on the Woodie Read More »

balance training diagram

The importance and secrets of balance training

Author: Miha Škof, slackliner and a balance te With balance training we improve the feeling of our body in space and time, or proprioception, body stabilization, muscle and brain responsiveness, concentration, fluidity. If we dig a little deeper, we can train also intuition and some other skills that are really versatile and we never come

The importance and secrets of balance training Read More »

Indoor Slackline Woodie, great tool for physiotherapy

Indoor slackline Woodie – a great tool in physiotherapy and sports

Author: Dane Nemac, kinesiologist How are you utilizing the Woodie slackrack? We have been using the indoor slackline as one of the exercise tools within our sport and rehab studio Gibalna klinika for a few years now.  It has proven as a very useful tool for conditioning training of athletes, recreational workouts for general population

Indoor slackline Woodie – a great tool in physiotherapy and sports Read More »